Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Micro-suction is a method of removing wax from the ears. Wax is an important and natural secretion found in the ear. It protects the ear against dust, dirt and bacteria, so it helps to prevent infection.

How do I know if I need my ear wax removing?

If you have produced a lot of wax or it has been pushed deeper into the ear canal, a blockage can occur.

Symptoms of a blockage may include:

  •  Sudden, temporary hearing loss
  • Pressure inside your ear
  • Pain
  • Those with a hearing aid might find they are not working as well was they should

At this point you must not attempt to poke anything inside your ears, as you will push the blockage in deeper, but you should get the wax removed professionally.

How can micro-suction help?

We offer a comfortable and effective ear wax removal service using micro-suction. This is a preferred method of treatment for medical staff as the process is clearly visible throughout.

The micro-suction procedure is not dissimilar to using a tiny vacuum cleaner inside the ear to remove the wax: with micro-suction Isabella can latch onto the wax using a suction probe and pull it out, or if it is very soft it just gets sucked into the probe!

The ear canal and eardrum are very sensitive and delicate however, by wearing magnification loupes to see clearly into the ear canal, Isabella is able to visualise the whole process. This makes it safer than syringing methods where water is flushed into the ear canal without any view. Using a video otoscope Isabella is able to show you the condition of your ears before and after treatment.

When you arrive for your appointment you will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire regarding your recent hearing health and any previous wax removal procedures.

“My wax removal was pain free, quick and such a relief. For someone who for a long time has felt very uncomfortable having my ears treated, I cannot recommend your service highly enough”

Ann Marie Powney

“My wax removal was pain free, quick and such a relief. For someone who for a long time has felt very uncomfortable having my ears treated, I cannot recommend your service highly enough”  Ann Marie Powney

Frequently asked questions

Can I have micro-suction with a perforated eardrum?

Yes. As there is no water flushed into the ear canal it is safe to have micro-suction with a perforated eardrum.

Do I need to use softening drops?

We advise the use of softening drops the night before a procedure to help soften any hard wax.

Can I fly after having micro-suction?

Yes it is safe to fly after a micro-suction procedure.

Can I have both ears treated at the same time?

The appointment length allows for both ears to be treated if necessary.

How often should I get micro-suction?

The amount of ear wax produced is different for everyone and the amount of wax you produce is normal for you. Some people need micro-suction every few months and some people can go years without any treatment. Micro-suction is the most effective method of wax removal and can be carried out as often as is needed. 

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